Another Gravatar Implementation

I recalled at some stage there was a Smarty Modifier called escape. I think it was when I was looking for one called rot13. Anyways, you can use this and the JavaScript function unescape() to obfuscate the email address. You’ll need this code early in your template: I stick it at the start just after <html>

    <script type="text/javascript" 

This fragment will insert the Gravatar Image:

    {capture name=reader}{comment_author_email}{/capture}
    <script type="text/javascript">
    document.write('<div class="right">');
    document.write('<img src="'); 
    document.write('&size=40" alt="" />');

This seems to more reliably display the Gravatars, so I’d suggest you use it instead. Either that, or Gravatar just fixed up their servers…