Posted... (human time display)

Following on from the previous post, I’ve also shamelessly poached another idea from Dunstan: human-readable timestamps. Just pop this into your post.html file, where you want the ‘time’ to appear.

    {capture name=hour}{the_time d="G"}{/capture}
    {assign var=hour value=$smarty.capture.hour}
    {if $hour eq "00" or $hour eq "01" or $hour eq "02"}
        in the wee hours,
    {elseif $hour eq "03" or $hour eq "04" or $hour eq "05" or $hour eq "06"}
        terribly early in the morning,
    {elseif $hour eq "07" or $hour eq "08" or $hour eq "09"}
        early in the morning,
    {elseif $hour eq "10"}
    {elseif $hour eq "11"}
        late morning,
    {elseif $hour eq "12" or $hour eq "13"}
    {elseif $hour eq "14"}
        early afternoon,
    {elseif $hour eq "15" or $hour eq "16"}
    {elseif $hour eq "17"}
        late afternoon,
    {elseif $hour eq "18" or $hour eq "19"}
        early evening,
    {elseif $hour eq "20" or $hour eq "21"}
    {elseif $hour eq "22"}
        late evening,
    {elseif $hour eq "23"}
        late at night,