
One problem I have encountered is that sometimes templates differ, and one person may have paragraph tags inside a form, with input elements inside them. Other people may have another setup, such as all input elements inside the one paragraph tag, except the comment box. Sometimes, I needed to be able to find the form element that was the parent of a particular element, and sometimes this was it’s immediate parentNode, sometimes it was the grandparent node (node.parentNode.parentNode). So I wrote this nice little function that uses recursion to find the parent that is a form. I’m fairly sure it works okay, and there’s even a little check that will return and explicit false if there is no parent form.

    function getParentForm(node){
        if (node==document) 
            return false;
        if (node.tagName!="FORM") 
            return getParentForm(node.parentNode); 
            return node;