
(This is a copy of the support request I sent through to minutes ago) Dear, I have noticed that emails sent through the email forwarding system do not always arrive, and often do not arrive promptly. Whilst the problem doesn’t seem to be occuring right now, earlier today I sent a test email, and it still has not arrived. I sent it at 2:14 pm (+1030 6 Feb 2006). It is now 6:18pm. My partner also has a different domain registered with you, and has noticed that a large amount of email is not delivered, or is delivered late. In some cases, up to a week late. The error in question for one particular email was:

After 3 days the following message could not be delivered to at host The last attempt to send this message failed because no answer was returned by a DNS.

(Obviously, is replaced by a valid username and domain). This has occurred from mutliple senders, and is unnacceptable. The domains registered are used for business purposes, and not being able to have prompt delivery causes lost business. I moved my domain registration to because I thought they were a reliable service; I may reconsider renewing my domain (and other domains I am involved with) unless service provision improves. You FAQ page 873 is clearly out of date - there are problems with your servers at some point. Whether it is a DNS issue, or a mail forwarding issue, it is impacting on your providing of a service. This email requires a reply. Regards, Matthew Schinckel (or if the forwarding service is down again).