Resizable Comment Area

I’ve already had resizable Textarea implemented in this blog - the two buttons that appear at the bottom of the comment box, next to Preview/Post Reply. However, today over on MacGeekery, I came across something even better. A resize widget, that can be dragged to resize the comment entry box. Getting this to work wasn’t quite as simple as just cutting and pasting code, however. Eventually, I rewrote the code from scratch, using some of my toolbox tools also. The script starts by finding every <textarea>, and then, if it has the class resizable, it adds an enclosing <div> tag, and a grippie <div> tag. This then allows for CSS to style the grippie tag.

    function ResizableComment(){
        textareas = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea');
        var textarea;
        for (var i=0; textarea = textareas[i]; i++){
            if (textarea.className.match(resizable)){
                // Insert resizable <div>
                ta = document.createElement('div');
                ta.className = resizable-textarea;
                textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(ta, textarea);
                // Insert Grippie
                grippie = document.createElement('div');
                grippie.className = 'grippie';
                w = textarea.offsetWidth - 2;
       = px(w);
                textarea.parentNode.insertBefore(grippie, textarea.nextSibling);
                grippie.onmousedown = beginResize;
                // Remove bottom border
       = 0;
       = 0;

Notice also that it sets the onmousedown action for the grippie to a function called beginResize.

    function beginResize(e){
        var coords = getMousePos(e);
        window.resizing = eventTarget(e).parentNode.firstChild; // Textarea. = px(window.resizing.offsetHeight);
        window.start_resizer = coords[1];
        document.body.onmouseup = endResize;
        document.body.onmousemove = duringResize;
        return false;
    function duringResize(e){
        var coords = getMousePos(e);
        window.end_resizer = coords[1];
        if (window.start_resizer == window.end_resizer) return;
        window.height_change = window.end_resizer - window.start_resizer;
        if (window.resizing.offsetHeight + height_change - 1 < 115) return; = px(window.resizing.offsetHeight + height_change - 1); // Need the -1 to work!
        window.start_resizer = window.end_resizer;
    function endResize(e){
        document.body.onmouseup = null;
        document.body.onmousemove = null;

The beginResize function in turn sets up a few things, including which element needs to be resized, and the functions that need to be called as it happens. These functions use another pair of functions:

    function getMousePos(e) {
        var posx = 0; var posy = 0;
        if (!e) e = window.event;
        if (e.pageX || e.pageY){
            posx = e.pageX;
            posy = e.pageY;
        } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY){
            posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
            posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
        return new Array(posx, posy);
    function px(val){return val + px;}

Don’t Believe Anymore • [The Whitlams][3] • [Torch The Moon][4] ★★½

[3]: ‘’ [4]: ‘’