Macros and Addons for WoW

With the weekly downtime, I get an opportunity to have a look at stuff outside of the game world. I’ve started using CTMods, and now I’m going to look into some macro and Add-On stuff: Note that these are at this stage untested, and will remain so until at least 11 am PDT!

  • Killing Totems and Wards. /target Totem /cast Moonfire(Rank 1) or even better /script r=Spell_Rank; if (UnitName("target") ~=nil) and (string.find(UnitName("target"),"Totem"))~=nil then CastSpellByName("Moonfire(Rank 1)") else CastSpellByName("Moonfire(Rank "..r..")"); end
  • Self-Cast Innervate. /script CastSpellByName("Innervate", true)
  • Cast Innervate and Whisper to that target. /cast Innervate /script msg="Innervate cast on you, mana regen @ 400% for 20 seconds."; SendChatMessage(msg, "WHISPER", "Common", UnitName("target"));
  • Self-Cast Heal. /script CastSpellByName("Healing Touch", true)
  • Announcing Heals in Party/Raid Chat. /cast Healing Touch /script smsg="Casting Healing Touch on %t in 4 sec..."; if ( GetNumRaidMembers() > 0 ) then SendChatMessage(smsg,"RAID") elseif (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 ) then SendChatMessage(smsg,"PARTY") end
  • Self Bandage.
  • Change Detail Settings: ie. for IronForge. Need to find a way to do this using /script, so I can test for the current mode, and set it to the opposite, so I can use one macro to just switch. HighRes: /z SetFarclip(777) /z SetWorldDetail(2) /z SetBaseMip(1) MediumRes: /z SetFarclip(477) /z SetWorldDetail(1) /z SetBaseMip(1) LowRes: /z SetFarclip(177) /z SetWorldDetail(0) /z SetBaseMip(0)
  • Change Viewport Resolution when Fullscreen/Windowed Mode changed. Combine these two parts… /script SetCVar(“gxWindow”, 1 - GetCVar(“gxWindow”)); /console reloadui Work out the values required for the args… /script currentRes = GetCurrentResolution(); if (currentRes == 3) then SetScreenResolution(15); SetCVar(“gxWindow”, 0); SetMultisampleFormat(16); else SetCVar(“gxWindow”, 1); SetScreenResolution(3); SetMultisampleFormat(1); end;
  • Nature’s Swiftness/Heal. /cast Nature's Swiftness /script SpellStopCasting() /cast Healing Touch
  • Mounting Steed. /s Bubbles, faithful steed, I need you now. /script UseContainerItem(4,4) /e summons her Striped Nightsaber. The arguments are: Bag # (right to left, Backpack is 0), Slot # (left-right, top-bottom).
  • Use off-hand item.