Wacom Tablet

Well, this is a new experience. I’m writing this very blog post with a Wacom graphics tablet. It’s taking me a while to get the hang of Mac OS’s handwriting recognition software, Ink, and I’m not yet sure how to edit words after I’ve Started writing them, but ‘it’s working, and that’s a start. Some tips for setting it up. I’ve got the Intuos 3 version, which has four buttons and a scroller in the top left and right corners. I’ve set one button up to switch between Ink and Mouse, and another for backspace, leaving the bottom one as space. My biggest hassle is that I’ve got some serious muscle memory issues going on - I’m treating it like it’s my Palm Zire, which means I do a backwards dash to delete a character. And it keeps picking up my ‘S’s as upper case. If they are at the start of a word, anyway. It’s not really that useful for me, for data entry, anyway, as I can type much faster than I can write. And my hand gets sore because of the way I hold a pen. I’m going to have a bit of a play in Photoshop, since the one I have is Pressure Sensitive, so that might be fun. And, I do have to give it back tomorrow, which is a bit of a bugger.

Superstylin’Groove ArmadaGoodbye Country (Hello Nightclub) ★★