Who is that guy?

  • tv

I’m always playing that game. When you see a person on TV or in a movie, and you spend the next hour trying to remember where you’ve seen them before. There was just a Qantas advertisement on TV, with the punchline “They know I like my beer in the evening, and my Newspaper in the morning”. It’s got two guys, one of which I picked straight away. He was in Frontline, the grumpy other reporter. The other guy, that had me stumped. Until I remembered where I’d seen him. He was in the short film “Twins”, where he talks about being a single dad with twins, and how it’s important to choose a favourite. I’ve got a copy of it somewhere - searching on Google was fairly useless. Google: Twins Favourite Movie only bought up pr0n, and disney. Dunno which is worse, there. Aaargh. Maybe I’ll find a link one day.

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