XMLRPC errors, again

I’ve had issues with uploading images from ecto to Blogsome, but I wasn’t sure if it was an ecto or a Blogsome issue. It appears to be a Blogsome issue, which the following result from an attempted upload via MarsEdit tells me:

RPC message sent: 2007-06-06 16:25:32 +0930
URL: http://schinckel.net/xmlrpc.php
Method name: metaWeblog.newMediaObject
RPC reply received: 2007-06-06 16:25:58 +0930
URL: http://schinckel.net/xmlrpc.php
Method name: metaWeblog.newMediaObject
Status code: 200
Succeeded: NO
–Fault Error–
Fault code: -32601
Fault string: server error. requested method metaWeblog.newMediaObject does not exist.
Request text:

    metaWeblog.newMediaObject                           schinckel                                   schinckel                                   [password]                                                                          bits                                                    name             /kahll.jpg                                       type             image/jpeg                                                                  

Response text:

                                  faultCode           -32601                             faultString           server error. requested method metaWeblog.newMediaObject does not exist.                        

Oh, and I can’t figure out how to retrieve categories via MarsEdit. Not that I’m unhappy with ecto, anyway.