Unpacking stuff

Well, after living in our new house for more than two years, we have finally unpacked all of the crockery and glassware into the kitchen. I mean, there was a rationale: we were renovating. Initially, we had thought it would take us a couple of months to get the house to a liveable state. We were at least an order of magnitude wrong. We have put enough of the kitchen in (including the microwave and dishwasher, but not the benchtops, stove and sink) to allow us to use it effectively. In particular, the dishwasher was the main reason we were able to even consider moving more than just two each of plates, cups, spoons, etc. Actually, living with just two of everything was very liberating. Granted, you have to wash everything before you cook every meal (or after, I suppose, but that’s not really my style). But never having more than a couple of dishes means that washing up isn’t such a chore. Entertaining wasn’t really an option. Other than that big party we had for our 30th birthdays, but that didn’t really require much crockery. So now, we have stuff again. We got rid of a heap of stuff we aren’t going to use. I’m still hanging on to some of the stubby holders and Star Trek mugs from my younger days, but we have really consolidated what we have. After all, if we didn’t use stuff for the last two or so years, we can’t need it too badly, can we?

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