Zire Screen Issues

I love my Palm Zire - I keep all of my contact details, expenses, etc on there. The only thing I don’t do with it right now is email - but that’s only because the Mail.app conduit doesn’t handle emails sent properly - and it’s usually easier to use Gmail. Imagine my chagrin, then when weird stuff began to happen - extra screen taps (that I didn’t make) interfering with my use of the handheld. It meant that I couldn’t read my eBooks under certain lighting (halogen downlights seem to worsen the problem). Same with driving at night - perhaps there is some flickering, or the sodium lights affected it too. It came to a head when it began to mark my To-Do items as ‘Done’. This is unbearable - how do I know if I’ve cleaned the car or not, if my Zire says I have? I searched through the PalmOne site and forums (by the way, they still haven’t acknowledged the Zire 21/Digital Mobile Phone resetting issue, apparently!) and finally found a post that said to re-calibrate the screen. Easier said than done, since the problem had become so bad as to cause other programs to be run, and when I finally managed to get into the Prefs, and then the Calibration section, random taps were causing the little red circles to jump willy-nilly from top to bottom. Eventually I got in three presses before the gremlins, and bingo, problem solved. Moral of this story: if you start having problems with extra screen taps, run the calibration program sooner, rather than later!