Time Since (...after the fact).
- here.
I had noticed lots of blogs had a nice little Posted x hours, y minutes after the fact tag attached to Comments. I thought this was pretty cool, and had a very short attempt at this some time ago. Then, over on Binary Bonsai, Michael mentioned how the plugin was broken, and how it needs fixing. Well, I didn’t fix the PHP version, but I did write a pure Smarty version!
"Time Since" Smarty Code
Author: Matt Schinckel <matt@schinckel.net>
Based on a WordPress Plugin "Time Since"
Notes: Insert this whole text where you want the
text to appear. If keen, you could move the first
pair of lines to a place outside of the comment loop,
but still inside the post. This might save some
precious server seconds.
The accuracy of the 'time since' decreases over time:
there aren't 30.4 days in every month, for instance.
{capture name=post_time}{the_time d="U"}{/capture}
{assign var=post_time value=$smarty.capture.post_time}
{capture name=comment_time}{comment_date d='U'}{/capture}
{assign var=comment_time value=$smarty.capture.comment_time}
{assign var=since value=$comment_time-$post_time}
{if $since < 3600}
{assign var=name1 value="minute"}{assign var=sec1 value=60}
{assign var=name2 value="second"}{assign var=sec2 value=1}
{elseif $since < 86400}
{assign var=name1 value="hour"}{assign var=sec1 value=3600}
{assign var=name2 value="minute"}{assign var=sec2 value=60}
{elseif $since < 604800}
{assign var=name1 value="day"}{assign var=sec1 value=86400}
{assign var=name2 value="hour"}{assign var=sec2 value=3600}
{elseif $since < 2626560}
{assign var=name1 value="week"}{assign var=sec1 value=604800}
{assign var=name2 value="day"}{assign var=sec2 value=86400}
{elseif $since < 31536000}
{assign var=name1 value="month"}{assign var=sec1 value=2626560}
{assign var=name2 value="week"}{assign var=sec2 value=604800}
{assign var=name1 value="year"}{assign var=sec1 value=31536000}
{assign var=name2 value="month"}{assign var=sec2 value=2626560}
{math equation='floor(a/b)' a=$since b=$sec1 assign=count1}
{math equation='floor((a-floor(a/b)*b)/c) a=$since b=$sec1 c=$sec2 assign=count2}
Posted {$count1} {$name1}{if $count1 != 1}s{/if},
{$count2} {$name2}{if $count2 != 1}s{/if} after the fact.