More on Shaving
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I finally had to buy some more shaving soap on the weekend. People who work with me will attest that I hadn’t shaved for about three weeks, and was looking somewhat like the wild-man. Anyway, I bought some more, at $10.95 for a tub. I thought it only cost $7.95 last time, but I might be wrong. Anyway, that was back in May, 2005. So, about $10 worth of shaving soap lasts for about a year and a half. Add to that the maybe six packets of safety razors I bought in the same time frame - another $70 tops. Compare this to buying Schick razors, at $15 for 5 (expect to buy around 18 packs in this sort of time frame), and shaving cream at $10/can (maybe 9 cans in that time?). Not only does it give a cleaner, cut-free shave, but it saves me about $200/year.