Run Prolog Program
- here.
In the continuing effort to do ‘productive’ tasks, but not actually the project I am supposed to be working on, I present a TextMate command to run the current prolog file, with nice HTML output, and input via a dialog box.
#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require ENV["TM_SUPPORT_PATH"] + "/lib/tm/executor"
command = [ENV["TM_PROLOG"] || "swipl", "-s", ENV["TM_FILEPATH"]]
two_line = false
welcome = /^(Welcome to SWI-Prolog)|(Copyright )|(SWI-Prolog comes with)|(and you are welcome)|(Please visit)|(For help, use)/ do |str, type|
if type == :err
if two_line
two_line = false
# this line is part of the previous message
# Is this a warning line?
elsif str =~ /(Warning):\s(.*):(\d+):/
warn, file, line = $1, $2, $3
filename = file.split('/')[-1]
two_line = true
file_link = "<a class=\"near\" href=\"txmt://open?line=#{line}&url=file://#{file}\">#{filename}</a>"
"<div class=\"#{warn}\">#{warn}: #{file_link}, line #{line}:"
elsif str =~ /(ERROR):\s(.*):(\d+):(\d+):\s(.*)/
file, line, char, message = $2, $3, $4, $5
filename = file.split('/')[-1]
file_link = "<a class=\"near\" href=\"txmt://open?line=#{line}&column=#{char}&url=file://#{file}\">#{filename}</a>"
"<div class=\"err\">ERROR: #{file_link}, line #{line}, col #{char}: #{message}</div>"
elsif str =~ /ERROR:\s(.*)/
message = $1
"<div class=\"test fail\">ERROR: #{message}</div>"
elsif str =~ /%\s(.*)\scompiled\s(.*)\ssec,\s(.*)\sbytes/
file, time, length = $1, $2, $3
filename = file.split('/')[-1]
file_link = "<a class=\"near\" href=\"txmt://open?url=file://#{file}\">#{filename}</a>"
"<div class=\"test ok\"> #{file_link} (#{length} bytes) compiled in #{time} sec.</div>"
elsif str =~ welcome
"<span class=\"copyright\" style=\"font-size:xx-small;\">#{str}</span> "
"<div class=\"output\">#{str}</div>"
"<div class=\"output\">#{str}</div>"