Per-command Virtualenv

Recently, I finally got around to re-installing OS X from scratch on my work machine. It was past time it needed to happen, to the extent where I would frequently be unable to wake machine from display sleep, and saving a file in a monitored directory would take the wsgi-monitor package tens of seconds to restart django.

One thing I wanted to do this time was only install stuff as necssary, but also put every pip installed command line tool in it’s own virtualenv. However, this has one drawback, in that it is a little repetitive.

For instance, to install Fabric, my deployment tool of choice:

$ virtualenv ~/.venv/fabric
$ . ~/.venv/fabric/bin/activate
(fabric)$ pip install fabric
(fabric)$ ln -s ~/.venv/bin/fabric /usr/local/bin/

This is fine if you only have one ‘tool’ to install, but something like docutils actually installs a whole stack of command line tools.

What we want, is something like:

  • create the virtualenv
  • get a list of items already in the <virtualenv>/bin
  • install the required tool (and any extra modules)
  • link all of the newly added commands in <virtualenv>/bin to /usr/local/bin

We could just add each <virtualenv>/bin to our path, but that would mean that the first virtualenv created would be used for pip, which I don’t want installed at all.

Additionally, it would be nice to be able to specify a required version of the package to install, and other (non-dependency) packages that should be installed. For instance, I want mercurial_keyring to be installed in the mercurial virtualenv.

This last one is probably less important, as you can just use that virtualenv’s pip to install them after. But the version number stuff might be nice.

virtualenv has the nice ability to be able to create bootstrap scripts, which will do other stuff (like install specific packages). We can co-opt this to build a tool for doing the automatic installation and linking:

import virtualenv, subprocess

data = """
import os, subprocess

def extend_parser(optparse_parser):
        help="Upgrade package",
        help="Parent path of virtualenvs"
        help="Other packages to install"
def adjust_options(options, args):
    global package
    if not args: 
    package = args[0]
    if '==' in args[0]:
        args[0], version = args[0].split('==', 1)
    args[0] = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(options.path), args[0])

def after_install(options, home_dir):
    global package
    venv = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser(options.path), home_dir)
    before = os.listdir(os.path.join(venv, 'bin'))
    command = [os.path.join(venv, 'bin', 'pip'), 'install', package]
    if options.upgrade:
        command += ['--upgrade']
    if options.packages:
        command += options.packages
    after = os.listdir(os.path.join(venv, 'bin'))
    for command in set(after).difference(before):[
            'ln', '-s', 
            os.path.join(venv, 'bin', command),

output = virtualenv.create_bootstrap_script(data)
open('/usr/local/bin/pip-install', 'w').write(output)['chmod', '+x', '/usr/local/bin/pip-install'])

There is one caveat: if an existing file is found in /usr/local/bin that matches one that should be linked, it will be ignored. That is, it does not overwrite existing commands. I think this is preferable, as it is marginally safer.

Linking commands like this is better than copying them, as it means you can just do a pip install --upgrade <package> in the relevant virtualenv, and it will upgrade commands. You can also use pip-install <package>==<new-version>, and that should work too. However, if you unlink a command (or remove one that would have linked but failed), and do a pip-install, it will not link the commands that were already installed in that virtualenv.

Anyway, your mileage may vary. I’m using it now, and it seems good.