Cross Compilation NSLU2/MacOSX

So, I’ve built the toolchain - it’s about 69Mb raw, which zips to about 26Mb. Tarring and BZip2ing it reduces it to 18Mb. What I want to know is: is it only the stuff in bin/ that is used when cross-compiling? If so, this compresses to around 3.6Mb, which is small enough to post for others to use… Also, it’s possible to just copy the armv5b-softfloat-linux-* files (I used ln, so they are still in the original spot, but take up no extra room) to a place in your path. From what I’ve just read, the only thing really used is the compiler, but surely the linker is too. I have built a hello.c program, but cannot test it until I get my NSLU2.