Things MacOS could learn from Windows

Apple Matters has a story about what MacOS should ‘borrow’ from Windows. I’ll address them as I see the issue.

  1. Compatible control keys. These should be called Modifier Keys, and I think Apple does a better job. Control-C is used by every variety of Unix ever for sending a break: I'd like to see this remain. And Command is in a better position for reaching with one hand to get all of the keys. Try to do a Ctrl-T, and then a Cmd-T. Plus, I can use my thumb for the Command key, meaning I can continue to use the correct finger. Cmd-Q, versus Ctrl-Q.
  2. Save buttons on toolbars. I rarely use the Save Menu, let alone the Print toolbar button. Cmd-S always saves. The only time I use buttons is if I don't know the keyboard shortcut.Multi-button mouse. Every multi-button USB mouse I have ever tried worked first time. Even those that needed a driver for Windows. Like the wireless one that came with my Dell. Trying to use this with another computer without the software installed was hopeless - I had to use the Apple mouse instead. But yes, I'd like to see an Apple styled multi-button mouse.
  3. Only show relevant file types in open and save dialogs. I actually hate that Windows never shows all of the files it can see - Word sticks to only showing Word documents and not Plain Text files by default. And, every time a beginner uses Windows, and uses Excel for the first time instead of Word, they think they've lost all of their files. And freak out.
  4. Sort folders on top of directory listings. I'd be surprised there isn't a hidden setting using defaults for this one. Yes, I agree.
  5. More context sensitive help. Actually, my take on this is get rid of the stupid help key on the keyboard. I've hit this more times than I care to remember when I go to hit Delete. And then Help opens up, telling me stuff I already knew, and not deleting what I wanted to delete.

Overall, I disagree with just about everything said in the article.