
Podcasting is what all of the kids are doing now: basically, from what I can tell, you just have an enclosure that is part of the post, and RSS readers can automatically download them. Blogsome doesn’t really have the ability to upload non-image filetypes (other than by renaming them to have an image-like extension), and anyway file sizes are limited to 300k, but it is possible to have enclosures that are files hosted elsewhere. Anyway, I found a page detailing how to set up enclosures, but it wouldn’t work for me. It turns out there is an array of arrays, and these need to be stepped through. The code I added to display a link to the enclosure after the post is as follows:

    {if $enclosure != ''}
        <div class="enclosures">
            {foreach from=$enclosure item=enc}
                <div class="enclosure"><b>Attached Enclosure</b><br />
                    File: <a href="{$enc.0}">{$enc.0}</a><br />
                    Length: {$enc.1} bytes<br />
                    Type: {$enc.2}<br />
        {assign var='enclosure' value=''} <!-- reset enclosure variable again! -->

The only part I haven’t got working yet is the Length and Type fields: they are both blank. I’ll work harder….