Smarty Hacks

While trying to solve someone elses problems, I came across the following: If you call {have_posts}, this will return a number as long as you are not on the last post to be displayed on the page. This is a standard WP function, but it is interesting to see it works under WP-MU. {the_post} will increment the post counter: basically skip a post, but will cause SQL errors. • My biggest hassle so far is that it doesn’t seem to be possible to assign stuff created by template tags to variables, other than by the very ugly {capture name=foo}{bar}{/capture} ; {$} trick, which doesn’t work for Arrays: it just sets $ to ‘Array’, not very much use at all. {section} might be promising, but I doubt it: {foreach value=get_the_category item=each}{$each}{/foreach} just returns ‘get_the_category’.