Archive and Links Pages

It would be nice to be able to have a links and/or archive page under blogsome: that just had a list of all links, or a list of all posts/months/days (whatever). The problem is that Pages cannot use template tags, and it is not much fun to update these pages by hand. A solution presented itself to me today, and it goes like this:

    {if $smarty.server.REQUEST_URI == '/links/'}
    {elseif $smarty.server.REQUEST_URI == '/archives/'}
        {get_archives type='postbypost' limit='' format='html'}

This code can go into the Main Page template, just after {content}, or into the post.html template if you’ve used my previous hack to get Pages processed by the post template. You’ll also need to create Pages: Links and Archives (if you use different names, be sure to ensure the page-slug is the one that is listed in the code above). I had to put a <br /> into each Page in order to get rid of all errors. You can see the results here: Archives, Links. It’s more than likely that a similar solution exists for categories: I’ll do that too. Update: Categories, Pages. Note: Make sure you have the slash following the URL when you try to access them. It may be possible to have a double {if} clause (with slash and without), but I’m not sure yet… later works a treat:

     {if $smarty.server.REQUEST_URI == '/links/' || $smarty.server.REQUEST_URI == '/links'}

And so on…