iPod Use Count

From the comments to the hint about how to find out the serial number of the last connected iPod, I came across the following CLI/Terminal command. defaults read com.apple.iPod The program will then provide various information, such as this one: “Use Count” = 143; It also shows the date the iPod(s) was/were last connected. I’d forgotten about the 40Gb iPod I bought from OfficeWorks, before getting it home and finding out it was an older one, still full of music (and in a new box, meaning someone had bought a new one, and returned the old one…). I returned it the next day, but here are it’s details:

000A2700026661B2 = {
            Connected = 2004-10-09 10:42:14 +0930; 
            "Firmware Version" = 307; 
            ID = 000A2700026661B2; 
            "Serial Number" = JQ410859PNU; 
            "Software Version" = 35684352; 
            "Use Count" = 9; 

I didn’t realise it was quite that long ago… September 10th 2004. By the way, a Google of that Serial Number returns no hits. Maybe I should report it stolen…

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