Clean Up Australia Day Ad

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Clean Up Australia Day was started years ago, it’s now expanded into Clean Up The World, or something similar. Apparently the first year was a huge success, and although the numbers of people involved now isn’t as high, it’s still pretty big. I’ve never been involved: it’s always right around the time of my birthday, and whilst I support it, I’m a bit apathetic at times. Anyway, the new Advertisement for it is on TV now, and it’s rather cool. It starts with a picture of Ayers Rock, sorry, Uluru, which when the light turns up is revealed to be a bag of garbage. Then, there is an image of the Olgas, which is really three cans of spray. Then we see the Sydney Harbour Bridge, which is a bicycle wheel and some other garbage. Finally we see the 12 Apostles, which are trash in the water. The clip ends with the phrase “Don’t let rubbish become part of the scenery.” I actually think it is an excellent Ad. It’s punchy, clever and hopefully will cause some support. Will I be involved. I doubt it. I’ve got a 30th birthday party to organise, after all.

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