Enable Sending Referrers

Occasionally, people report a particular error when trying to delete posts or comments.

Sorry, you need to enable sending referrers for this feature to work.

I came across this twice in the past week. Once was when I changed my $siteurl variable, and this disappeared when I returned it to the normal value. The other was when I tried to set up a shortcut to delete a comment from the post page. The original shortcut was: {$siteurl}/wp-admin/post.php?action=confirmdeletecomment&comment;={$comment_ID} Which worked, but loaded a confirmation page. I replaced it with: {$siteurl}/wp-admin/post.php?action=deletecomment&comment;={$comment_ID} And made the confirmation a confirm dialog instead: return confirm("Delete Comment by {$comment_author}?\nThis cannot be undone.");, which is the way it is done in the Edit Comment page (not the Mass Edit though, I don’t think). This is when I received the error page. I think what is happening is that the referrer of the second page must be within the {$siteurl}/wp-admin/ domain for it to be accepted. I wonder if I can fake the referrer, and make it work. This also explains why the error appeared when changing the {$siteurl} variable, since it’s looking for a referrer and obviously getting the wrong one. Knowing this may help me to a fix so that I can change the {$siteurl} variable, and avoid the referrer errors.