Human Age Smarty Modifier

The Smarty Modifier “Human Age” works well under Blogsome, I’ll ask the admins to install it. It’s used like:

    {capture name=pdate}{the_time d="U"}{/capture}
    {capture name=cdate}{comment_date d="U"}{/capture}
    {assign var=since value=$smarty.capture.pdate|human_age:$smarty.capture.cdate:true:2}

Then, where you want the data to go: {$since} after the fact. Note: this is not installed on the main Blogsome server yet. However, you can already use: {human_time_diff from=$smarty.capture.pdate to=$smarty.capture.cdate} after having captured the dates. It isn’t quite as nice as the other version, as it only displays minutes/hours/days, but it will do for now.