Why Opera Bites...

…but not as much as Internet Explorer. I’ve tried to make my blog, and by definition the template itself, work with every OS/Browser combo I can. And I’ve noticed one big similarity between Opera and Internet Explorer. Stuff that doesn’t work in one tends not to work in the other. That is, Opera is almost as crappy as IE. For example, I wrote a script that creates a list of links in the current post, and it failed in both of these browsers. The worst thing about this is that it’s damn near impossible to test (easily, at least) without making a change, reloading, repeating. With Firefox, you can easily get a JavaScript Bookmarklet that opens a JavaScript Shell, allowing you to experiment with commands, a-la python. Which can then be used to create the final script. At least Opera allows you to see what’s going wrong with JavaScript. IE’s pathetic attempt at error reporting (popping up a dialog box on each error is a real quick way to get yourself turned of, error reporter) is unproductive. Opera can display errors, which quickly enabled me to figure out what was wrong with my script. I think.