Relaxing Holidays

Well, Summer time is here again - although the recent weather where I had Festivus was not exactly Summery. Apparently it was the coldest Christmas on record in Melbourne, and in Hamilton, it was the coldest day of the month, and the wettest. It got up to all of 14.6°C, and the minimum was 4.4°C. There was more rain (7.4mm, more than the rest of the month combined!). We spent the day in the pub, with all of my Father’s family. That was good, since my Uncle and his family are moving to Queensland in a few weeks, so this may be the last time for a while that we all get together. I took about a thousand photos, most of them of my nephew, Jack. I’m yet to find the choice few to print out, but I’ll do this in the next few days. Robe was pretty quiet up until Christmas, and then it rapidly got very busy. I was going to write more now, but it’s getting thundery, and I want to try take some lightning photos.