Partially failing tests

$ ack unittest.expected | grep expect | wc -l

I’m not proud to say it, but we have about (exactly?) a dozen tests in our system that for one reason or another are currently failing. These were determined to not be enough to block development, so they are still there. As sort-of shown in the command line above, it’s possible to mark these tests as “Expected to Fail”. From time to time, I’ll go back and revisit these, and see if there’s anything that we can fix in the short term.

Today, however, I was working on something, and since it was going to touch some of the same code that my big query performance branch is already doing, I decided to work from there. I merged it all in, and wrote some new tests, and updated the queries.

But it turns out that the query performance branch is missing some bits that are required for one of the queries. I didn’t realise this until I’d written the tests, and the migrations to update the queries.

class TestNewThing(TestCase):
    def test_new_thing(self):
        # complex set up that creates a bunch of things that are used by all assertions.

        # This assertion should be passing...and we want to be notified if it fails in the future.
        self.assertEqual('foo', bar)

        # This assertion will fail, but we don't care right now.
        self.assertEqual('baz', qux)

I was able to remove the migration easily enough, but I didn’t really want to lose the tests.

I could have just commented them out, but I thought maybe I’d just try to mark those parts as expectedFailure:

class TestNewThing(TestCase):
    def test_new_thing(self):
        # complex set up that creates a bunch of things that are used by all assertions.

        # This assertion should be passing...and we want to be notified if it fails in the future.
        self.assertEqual('foo', bar)

        with unittest.expectedFailure:
          # This assertion will fail, but we don't care right now.
          self.assertEqual('baz', qux)

However, this doesn’t work.

Hmm, I thought, what if we put that into a seperate method, not prefixed with test_:

class TestNewThing(TestCase):
    def test_new_thing(self):
        # complex set up that creates a bunch of things that are used by all assertions.

        # This assertion should be passing...and we want to be notified if it fails in the future.
        self.assertEqual('foo', bar)


    def optional_tests(self):
        # This assertion will fail, but we don't care right now.
        self.assertEqual('baz', qux)

And this actually works. If you have a failure in the inner method, this will not trigger a failed build, but if you have a failure in the actual test method, then it will.