More on Sharing iTunes Songs

After all of the mucking around with getting an AppleScript to work, and then using python anyway, I discovered a far faster method of adding tracks to iTunes: just drag the folder they all live in, and iTunes will only add the songs that aren’t in the Library yet! Probably well documented, but I didn’t find it! What you may need to do, particularly if multiple people need to be able to change MP3 Tags or artwork, is do the following:

  • Change the owner/group of the files to something that all people can access - I use shared/admin, since all non-admin users are scum, and do not need to be able to change stuff.
  • Change the protection bits of the files to allow owner R+W, group R+W, all R.

Code to do this should be easy: ` find ~shared/Music -name .m -not -perm 664 -exec chmod 664 {}; find ~shared/Music -name .m -not -owner shared -exec chown shared:admin {}; ` But bash interprets the ; itself, and gives the following error: find: -exec: no terminating ";" Bitch. Can’t be bothered figuring out how to use another shell, so knock up a script in python: This script also updates the owner/group and permissions for files in ~shared/Movies and ~shared/iPhotoLibrary. Update: the ; must be \; for the bash commands to work.