Duplicate Songs in iTunes

I have got (at last count) 5715 tracks in my iTunes library. I have rated 1988 of these, or around 35%. Show Duplicate Songs tells me I have 409 duplicates. (Maths tells me I have at least one triple!). I have 225 unrated duplicates, so I have rated nearly half of the duplicate songs. Whilst some of the duplicates are live versions, and I may not like one or other version quite as much, it’s a fair bet the ratings would be similar, if for instance the tracks were the same, but were from best-of albums, compliations and the like. So, it might be nice to have a program that gets all of the tracks that are duplicates, but at least one of them has a rating (and at least one of them doesn’t), and apply the rating from the rated one to those that don’t have ratings. Of course, you could have it that if there were three songs, and two of them were rated, that the third gets the average rating of the other two. I may write an AppleScript that does this. Rag Doll • Songs About JaneMaroon 5