
I wrote a heap of code last April, under the name Multi-tenanted Django. It was fairly complete, but not especially well documented, and not really that well tested.

Recently, I’ve been having to write some reporting code at work that dealt with objects that are generated by django-reversion. If I was using tenancy-based partitioning, it would be really easy for me to just fetch the changes that were made to data from a given company: instead I need to do heaps of queries, and lots of filtering.

Which got me enthused on django-multi-schema, which has since been renamed to django-boardinghouse. And, it now has it’s own documentation, and an example project.

I’m still a bit cagey about releasing it to pypi, as the example project is pretty simple, and I’d like to build that (or another project) up a bit to see if I’ve made any more bad decisions: I’ve already changed it to opt-in to seperate schema to opt-out, and added in a configurable SCHEMA_MODEL.

It currently passes all tests under django 1.4 - 1.6, and has some functionality under django 1.7, but the migration handling code is not well tested just yet.