Keyset Pagination in Django

Pagination is great. Nothing worse than having an HTML page that renders 25000 rows in a table.

Django Pagination is also great. It makes it super easy to declare that a view (that inherits from MultipleObjectMixin) should paginate its results:

class List(ListView):
    queryset = Foo.objects.order_by('bar', '-baz')
    paginate_by = 10
    template_name = 'foo.html'

Django pagination uses the LIMIT/OFFSET method. This is fine for smaller offsets, but once you start getting beyond a few pages, it can perform really badly. This is because the database needs to fetch all of the previous rows, even though it discards them.

Using Keyset Pagination allows for better performing “next page” fetches, at the cost of not being able to randomly fetch a page. That is, if you know the last element from page N-1, then you may fetch page N, but otherwise you really can’t.

Keyset Pagination, sometimes called the Seek Method, has been documented by Markus Winand and Joe Nelson. If you are not familiar with the concept, I strongly suggest you read the articles above.

Django’s pagination is somewhat pluggable: you may switch out the paginator in a Django ListView, for instance, allowing you to do things like switch the Page class, or how the various parts are computed. I used it recently to allow for a different query to be used when calculating the total number of objects in a queryset, to vastly improve performance of a particular paginated queryset.

However, there are limits. Both the view and the paginator expect (nay, demand) an integer page number, which, as we shall see shortly, will not work in this case. I also feel like the view is over-reaching it’s remit by casting the page number to an integer, as I’ll discuss below.

In order to get consistent results with any type of pagination, you must ensure that the ordering on the queryset is stable: that is, there are no rows that will be ‘tied’. Doing otherwise will mean that the database will “break the tie”, and not always in the same order. I’ve seen a bug that was extremely hard to track down that was caused by exactly this problem (and that was just with OFFSET pagination).

Often, to ensure stable ordering, the primary key is used as the “last” sort column. This is perfectly valid, but is not always necessary.

Because in many cases we will need to sort by multiple columns, we’ll need some mechanism for passing through to the paginator the “last value” in a given page for each of these columns. For instance, if we are ordering by timestamp and then group, we would need to pass through both the timestamp and the group of the last object. Because I like to use GET forms to allow me to paginate filtered results, I’ll want to have all of the values combined into one query parameter. If you were constructing links instead, you could look at having these as different parameters. However, you’d still need to be careful, because you aren’t filtering all results on these parameters. Having them serialised into a single parameter (using JSON) means that they are all in the one place, and you can just use that for the filtering to get the page results.

I’ve built a working implementation of keyset pagination, at least for forwards traversal, at django-keyset-pagination.

We can see from this that there really is not that much that we needed to do. We use a different Page object, which enables us to change what the next_page_number will generate. When I figure out how, it will also allow us to work out the previous_page_number

Likewise, we needed to change how we validate a page number, and how we fetch results for a page. That method, _get_page(number) is the one that does most of the work.

Ultimately, we wind up with a filter that looks like:

  WHERE (A < ?) OR (A = ? AND B > ?) OR (A = ? AND B = ? AND C < ?)

The direction of the test (< vs >) depends upon the sorting of that column, but hopefully you get the idea.

In order to enable the query planner to be able to use an index effectively (if one exists), we need to adjust this to (thanks Markus):

WHERE A <= ? AND (
  (A < ?) OR (A = ? AND B > ?) ...

It’s also possible, in Postgres at least, to use a ROW() constructor comparison to order rows. However, this only works if the direction of each column ordering is the same, which in my use case it was not. I have a proof of concept of using ROW() constructors, but I need to figure out how to detect if they are available to the database in use.

In order to use the new paginator, we need to work around some issues in the Django class based views: namely that they force an integer value (or use the special string last, neither of which are acceptable in this case):

class PaginateMixin(object):
    "Make pagination work for non integer page numbers"
    def paginate_queryset(self, queryset, page_size):
        # This is very similar to how django currently (2.1) does it: I may submit a PR to use this
        # mechanism instead, as it is more flexible.
        paginator = self.get_paginator(
            queryset, page_size, orphans=self.get_paginate_orphans(),
        page_kwarg = self.page_kwarg
        page = self.kwargs.get(page_kwarg) or self.request.GET.get(page_kwarg) or 1

            page_number = paginator.validate_number(page_number)
        except ValueError:
            raise Http404(_('Page could not be parsed.'))

            page =
            return (paginator, page, page.object_list, page.has_other_pages())
        except InvalidPage as e:
            raise Http404(
                _('Invalid page (%(page_number)s): %(message)s') % {
                    'page_number': page_number,
                    'message': str(e)

There’s really only one change: instead of just casting the page number to an integer, we let the paginator handle that.

Okay, once all that is done, we can use our paginator:

class List(PaginateMixin, ListView):
    paginator_class = KeysetPaginator
    paginate_by = 10

    def get_queryset(self):
        return Foo.objects.order_by('timestamp', 'bar', 'baz')

We’ll need to change our template rendering to only render a next page link or button, rather than trying to render them for each page. We also don’t have any way to return to the previous page: I’m still working through a mechanism for that.

This post was originally written using the ROW() constructor, and this part of the post discussed the shortcomings. Now that has been resolved, the main shortcoming is that it is not yet possible to traverse to the previous page of results. In many cases that may not be necessary (we could use a browser’s back button, or rely on the fact that if it’s infinite scrolling the data is already in the document), however I would like to investigate how hard it is to actually get the previous page.