Infinite Recursion in Postgres

I’m not sure how useful it is, but it turns out it is possible to create a view with an infinite number of rows in postgres:

WITH year AS (
  SELECT 2000 AS year


  SELECT year + 1 FROM year
  FROM year;

As this stands it really isn’t useful, because it probably won’t start returning rows to the user. However, if you don’t know how many rows you will be generating, you could do something like:

WITH year AS (
  SELECT 2000 AS year


  SELECT year + 1 FROM year
  FROM year
 LIMIT %s;

Again, this may not seem to be that useful, as you could just use a generate_series(2000, 2000 + %s, 1). But I’m currently working on something that doesn’t always have a fixed count or interval (implementing RRULE repeats in SQL), and I think that maybe this might just be useful…