PV Solar panel analysis in postgres

Australian (and especially South Australian) electricity is expensive. That is probably part of the reason that SA is leading the world in residential rooftop solar.

But it is hard to negotiate the electricity retail market. Knowing your daily usage and feed-in enables you to determine which retailer you should choose, but only if you have the tools available to you to compare what your costs would have been with each retail plan.

And this does not even begin to address the question of if it is cost-effective to increase the size of your PV generation system: most supply companies (who, as it turns out, are different entities to the retailers) have per-phase limits of 5kW: that is, you may never feed back into the grid more than 5kW at any point in time.

Since I had my Fronius Smart Meter installed, I have been able to run reports and get my daily import and export values: these are also available through my retailer, and even through SA Power Networks, the distributor.

I have my data stored in three tables:

REATE TABLE generation (
  "energy" FLOAT

CREATE TABLE import_cumulative (
  "energy" INTEGER

CREATE TABLE export_cumulative (
  "energy" INTEGER

This is really only necessary because I need to take the cumulative values in the import and export tables, and turn them into absolute values for that period:

  SELECT timestamp,
         energy - LAG(energy, 1) OVER (ORDER BY timestamp) AS energy
    FROM import_cumulative
   ORDER BY timestamp

  SELECT timestamp,
         energy - LAG(energy, 1) OVER (ORDER BY timestamp) AS energy
    FROM export_cumulative
   ORDER BY timestamp

Now, from these views, it is possible to do some modelling of what different retailers would cost, but they generally need stuff per-day, so we can create a view that combines them. Since I will be doing stuff later that also needs consumption and generation, I will also include them:

SELECT timestamp, 
       import.energy + generation.energy - export.energy AS energy
  FROM generation
 INNER JOIN import USING (timestamp)
 INNER JOIN export USING (timestamp);

And our summary (for each interval):

    SELECT timestamp,
           generation.energy AS generation,
           import.energy AS import,
           export.energy AS export,
           import.energy + generation.energy - export.energy AS consumption
      FROM generation
     INNER JOIN import USING (timestamp)
     INNER JOIN export USING (timestamp)    

Getting close to having some usable data there now. What about daily summaries?

    SELECT timestamp::DATE AS date,
           SUM(generation) AS generation,
           SUM(import) AS import,
           SUM(export) AS export,
           SUM(consumption) AS consumption
      FROM summary
     GROUP BY timestamp::DATE

That gives us per-day summaries of our generation, import and export.

Here are some values from my system:

SELECT * FROM daily_summary LIMIT 10;
date generation import export consumption
2019-03-07 29851.915 7587 24191 13247.915
2019-03-08 14033.2047222222 7578 9156 12455.2047222222
2019-03-09 28074.8316666667 5746 20961 12859.8316666667
2019-03-10 15239.6936111111 7669 9144 13764.6936111111
2019-03-11 21101.1441666667 6528 12657 14972.1441666667
2019-03-12 28231.4280555556 5955 22382 11804.4280555556
2019-03-13 22880.3077777778 6040 17411 11509.3077777778
2019-03-14 30440.8319444444 6658 24791 12307.8319444444
2019-03-15 30141.3888888889 6576 26227 10490.3888888889
2019-03-16 29286.4413888889 7336 22224 14398.4413888889

(10 rows)

Right. So now we want to be able to look at costs for different retailers. There is a magnificent resource for getting this data: Energy Made Easy. The rates differ for different postcodes (WAT): I’m not sure if they are the same across a whole state or not. Probably not.

Anyway, it turns out that there are some retailers who have three different rates, depending upon your usage during a day. It’s not clear to me if this value is averaged across the whole month when you are on a smart meter: I know it is when you are on one of the old spinning disk meters. I assume it would be calculated on each day, as I think that works out as more expensive for the customer. Diamond Energy appears to have per-month limits, and four different rates, so I just pro-rated them to a 30 day month. I did not bother modelling the fourth rate, as I established fairly early on that they are not going to be close to being the cheapest. I may implement that later, just for completeness.

So, to be able to calculate costs for all retailers, we need to store up to three rates, and the two kWh thresholds that trigger those limits. Note that the second

CREATE TABLE retailer (
    supply_charge NUMERIC NOT NULL,
    kWh_rate_1 NUMERIC NOT NULL,
    kWh_limit_1 NUMERIC,
    kWh_rate_2 NUMERIC,
    kWh_limit_2 NUMERIC,
    kWh_rate_3 NUMERIC,
    pay_on_time_discount NUMERIC,
    feed_in_tariff NUMERIC NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE retailer 
    ADD CONSTRAINT rate_2_requires_limit_1 
        CHECK (kWh_rate_2 IS NULL OR kWh_limit_1 IS NOT NULL),
    ADD CONSTRAINT rate_3_requires_limit_2 
        CHECK (kWh_rate_3 IS NULL OR kWh_limit_2 IS NOT NULL),
    ADD CONSTRAINT rate_3_requires_rate_2 
        CHECK (kWh_rate_3 IS NULL OR kWh_rate_2 IS NOT NULL);

The three check constraints just ensure that we do not accidentally insert a rate where there is no lower tier rate, or no limit in place to apply it from.

Here is a query that inserts values for the retailers for my postcode:

INSERT INTO retailer (
  name, supply_charge, 
  kWh_rate_1, kWh_limit_1, 
  kWh_rate_2, kWh_limit_2, 
  ('AGL Essentials', 0.8855, 0.3575, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.1630, NULL),
  ('Origin Energy', 0.9033, 0.4002, 4, 0.4272, NULL, NULL, 0.1800, 0.10),
  ('AGL Solar Savers', 0.8910, 0.4038, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.1800, NULL),
  ('Click Banksia Solar', 0.9966, 0.3941, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.1700, NULL),
  ('Power Direct Residential Saver', 0.8910, 0.4038, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.1420, 0.13),
  ('SA Simply RAA VPP', 0.9863, 0.3600, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.1500, NULL),
  ('Kogan', 0.9566, 0.3154, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.0748, NULL),
  ('PowerShop Shopper Market', 1.1912, 0.3760, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.1020, 0.15),
  ('AGL Residential Essentials', 0.7752, 0.3512, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.1420, NULL),
  ('Diamond Energy Everyday Renewable Saver', 0.9565, 0.3659, 3.33, 0.3948, 11.1, 0.4285, 0.12, NULL),
  ('Red Energy Living Energy Saver', 0.9790, 0.3641, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.1200, NULL),
  ('Blue NRG DMO - General Usage', 0.7810, 0.3736, 10.96, 0.5775, NULL, NULL, 0.0680, NULL),
  ('Energy Australia Total Plan Home', 0.8580, 0.4070, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.15, NULL),
  ('Alinta Energy No Fuss (Single Rate)', 0.9130, 0.3317, 3.29, 0.3695, NULL, NULL, 0.0950, NULL),
  ('Lumo Basic', 1.0120, 0.3539, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0.15, NULL),
  ('Powerband Home Flat + Solar FIT', 1.0322, 0.3066, 10.95, 0.3139, NULL, NULL, 0.1150, NULL),
  ('Origin Energy Econnex', 0.9081, 0.4024, 10.96, 0.4294, NULL, NULL, 0.1000, 0.15)

To calculate the cost for a day, we need to add the daily supply charge, and the amount of import that applies at each rate multiplied by that rate, minus the FIT (feed-in tariff) for the export amount. Because some retailers have a “pay on time discount” (which is really just a late-payment penalty, but that is another blog post waiting to happen), it’s important to note that this discount applies to the whole bill - meaning it needs to be applied after the feed-in tariff has been subtracted.

Here is a function that calculates a daily cost, given a retailer record and import and export values:


SELECT COALESCE(1 - retailer.pay_on_time_discount, 1.0) * (retailer.supply_charge +
       -- rate 3
       CASE WHEN retailer.kWh_limit_2 IS NULL THEN 0
            WHEN import <= retailer.kWh_limit_2 THEN 0
            ELSE import - retailer.kWh_limit_2
       END / 1000.0 * COALESCE(retailer.kWh_rate_3, 0) +
       -- rate 2: hours between limit 1 and limit 2
       CASE WHEN retailer.kWh_limit_1 IS NULL THEN 0
            WHEN retailer.kWh_limit_2 IS NULL THEN GREATEST(import - retailer.kWh_limit_1, 0)
            WHEN import < retailer.kWh_limit_1 THEN 0
            ELSE LEAST(import, retailer.kWh_limit_2) - retailer.kWh_limit_1
       END / 1000.0 * COALESCE(retailer.kWh_rate_2, 0) +
       -- rate 1: up to limit 1
       CASE WHEN retailer.kWh_limit_1 IS NULL THEN import
            ELSE LEAST(import, retailer.kWh_limit_1)
       END / 1000.0 * retailer.kWh_rate_1 -
       retailer.feed_in_tariff * export / 1000.0);


It is a little hard to follow, and if the daily amount was negative, it decreases that value (instead of ignoring the discount), but it will do for now. I would prefer not to choose a retailer that hides a penalty behind a so-called discount anyway, so they would have to be significantly cheaper to attract my custom.

Using this function, we can now calculate the total costs for all retailers, and compare them:

SELECT retailer.name,
       '$ ' || lpad(
         TRUNC(SUM(cost(retailer, import::INTEGER, export::INTEGER)), 2)::TEXT,
       ) AS cost
  FROM daily_summary, retailer
 GROUP BY retailer.name

There is a bunch of code in there to make the output prettier: some of that is lost by the HTML output I have used to generate this table. In an SQL view, those decimal points would all line up…

name cost
AGL Essentials $ 897.87
AGL Residential Essentials $ 916.85
Powerband Home Flat + Solar FIT $ 955.59
Lumo Basic $ 965.56
Origin Energy $ 971.44
SA Simply RAA VPP $ 978.81
Power Direct Residential Saver $ 979.84
AGL Solar Savers $ 997.31
Click Banksia Solar $ 1028.43
PowerShop Shopper Market $ 1065.24
Kogan $ 1075.74
Red Energy Living Energy Saver $ 1092.32
Energy Australia Total Plan Home $ 1100.55
Origin Energy Econnex $ 1155.60
Alinta Energy No Fuss (Single Rate) $ 1176.65
Diamond Energy Everyday Renewable Saver $ 1302.24
Blue NRG DMO - General Usage $ 1929.36

(17 rows)

Which brings me to my conclusion: my current retailer is the cheapest for my current generation and consumption patterns.

But we can go further. We can always go further.

We can look at different months, and see if it’s always the case that a given retailer is the best option. Perhaps it is worthwhile shopping around, and switching between retailers at different times of the year.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW monthly_cost_comparisons AS

SELECT retailer.name, 
       to_char(date, 'YYYY-MM') AS month,
       SUM(cost(retailer, import::INTEGER, export::INTEGER)) AS cost
  FROM daily_summary, retailer
  GROUP BY retailer.name, to_char(date, 'YYYY-MM');

That by itself is not that useful, but we can use the crosstab feature to view it in a more readable manner.


  FROM crosstab(
    $$SELECT name, month, '$ ' || lpad(cost::INTEGER::TEXT, 4)
       FROM monthly_cost_comparisons ORDER BY name$$, 
    'SELECT DISTINCT month FROM monthly_summary ORDER BY month'
) AS (
    "retailer" TEXT, 
    "2019-03" TEXT,
    "2019-04" TEXT,
    "2019-05" TEXT,
    "2019-06" TEXT,
    "2019-07" TEXT,
    "2019-08" TEXT,
    "2019-09" TEXT,
    "2019-10" TEXT,
    "2019-11" TEXT,
    "2019-12" TEXT

Frustratingly, this function requires enumerating the columns.

retailer 2019-03 2019-04 2019-05 2019-06 2019-07 2019-08 2019-09 2019-10 2019-11 2019-12
AGL Essentials $ 14 $ 41 $ 128 $ 200 $ 209 $ 223 $ 90 $ 1 $ 1 $ -10
AGL Residential Essentials $ 19 $ 45 $ 127 $ 196 $ 204 $ 219 $ 93 $ 10 $ 9 $ -5
AGL Solar Savers $ 15 $ 45 $ 143 $ 223 $ 233 $ 249 $ 100 $ 1 $ 0 $ -11
Alinta Energy No Fuss (Single Rate) $ 46 $ 72 $ 147 $ 216 $ 225 $ 242 $ 122 $ 47 $ 46 $ 13
Blue NRG DMO - General Usage $ 91 $ 125 $ 226 $ 329 $ 341 $ 371 $ 203 $ 103 $ 102 $ 38
Click Banksia Solar $ 20 $ 50 $ 144 $ 222 $ 232 $ 248 $ 104 $ 8 $ 8 $ -7
Diamond Energy Everyday Renewable Saver $ 47 $ 76 $ 166 $ 246 $ 256 $ 276 $ 135 $ 45 $ 45 $ 11
Energy Australia Total Plan Home $ 28 $ 57 $ 149 $ 228 $ 237 $ 255 $ 112 $ 19 $ 19 $ -2
Kogan $ 47 $ 69 $ 132 $ 191 $ 198 $ 213 $ 112 $ 49 $ 49 $ 16
Lumo Basic $ 22 $ 49 $ 134 $ 203 $ 212 $ 227 $ 98 $ 12 $ 12 $ -4
Origin Energy Econnex $ 46 $ 71 $ 143 $ 211 $ 219 $ 236 $ 120 $ 48 $ 47 $ 14
Origin Energy $ 17 $ 45 $ 136 $ 213 $ 222 $ 238 $ 98 $ 5 $ 5 $ -8
Power Direct Residential Saver $ 27 $ 52 $ 131 $ 198 $ 207 $ 222 $ 100 $ 21 $ 21 $ 1
PowerShop Shopper Market $ 44 $ 67 $ 133 $ 193 $ 201 $ 215 $ 111 $ 44 $ 44 $ 13
Powerband Home Flat + Solar FIT $ 31 $ 55 $ 126 $ 187 $ 195 $ 208 $ 98 $ 26 $ 26 $ 4
Red Energy Living Energy Saver $ 36 $ 63 $ 142 $ 212 $ 221 $ 237 $ 112 $ 32 $ 32 $ 6
SA Simply RAA VPP $ 23 $ 50 $ 135 $ 206 $ 215 $ 230 $ 99 $ 13 $ 13 $ -4

From this, I can see that nothing is really going to save me more than a few bucks a month: and this does not take into account the $200 “bonus” I get from AGL if I stick with them for a year (or something like that).

I’d also like to look at actual billing periods, because then I can see that everything matches up to what my actual bills are (and then I can add in the bonuses at the times they applied).

My billing periods went to monthly on a specific date, so from then on they are regular one-month periods, but prior to that they were a little all over the place:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW billing_periods AS 

SELECT 'AGL Essentials'::TEXT AS retailer,
       DATERANGE(start::DATE, (start + INTERVAL '1 month')::DATE) as period
  FROM generate_series('2019-06-24'::DATE, now()::DATE, INTERVAL '1 month') start
 VALUES ('AGL Essentials'::TEXT, '[2019-03-07,2019-06-01)'::DATERANGE),
        ('AGL Essentials', '[2019-06-01,2019-06-24)')
  ORDER BY period DESC;

We can model the retailer bonuses in a way that only applies them when they apply, and if we are calculating the costs for that retailer:

CREATE TABLE retailer_bonus (
  retailer TEXT, 
  billing_period DATERANGE, 
  bonus NUMERIC

INSERT INTO retailer_bonus(retailer, billing_period, bonus)
     VALUES ('AGL Essentials', '[2019-08-24,2019-09-24)', 25);

And now some views for calculating the actual costs for each day, and then aggregating within the billing periods (and a pretty version).


SELECT retailer,
       cost(_ret, import::INTEGER, export::INTEGER),
  FROM billing_periods
 INNER JOIN retailer _ret ON (_ret.name = billing_periods.retailer)
 INNER JOIN daily_summary ON (daily_summary.date <@ billing_periods.period);
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW billing_period_costs AS
SELECT retailer, 
       SUM(cost) - COALESCE((SELECT SUM(bonus) 
                               FROM retailer_bonus 
                              WHERE billing_period = period
                                AND retailer_bonus.retailer = retailer.name), 0) AS cost, 
       SUM(generation) AS generation
  FROM actual_costs
 GROUP BY retailer, period
 ORDER BY period DESC;
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW billing_period_costs_pretty AS 
SELECT retailer, 
       '$ ' || LPAD(TRUNC(cost, 2)::TEXT, 7, ' ') AS cost,
       LPAD(TRUNC(generation::NUMERIC / 1000, 1)::TEXT, 6, ' ') || ' kWh' AS generation
  FROM billing_period_costs
 ORDER BY period DESC;

And now, we can look at the actual bills, with generation for that period:

 SELECT * FROM billing_period_costs_pretty;
retailer period cost generation
AGL Essentials [2019-11-24,2019-12-24) $ -9.50  595.4 kWh
AGL Essentials [2019-10-24,2019-11-24) $ -1.20  879.0 kWh
AGL Essentials [2019-09-24,2019-10-24) $ 12.80  757.3 kWh
AGL Essentials [2019-08-24,2019-09-24) $ 104.30  610.6 kWh
AGL Essentials [2019-07-24,2019-08-24) $ 224.27  374.2 kWh
AGL Essentials [2019-06-24,2019-07-24) $ 210.24  302.8 kWh
AGL Essentials [2019-06-01,2019-06-24) $ 148.31  244.8 kWh
AGL Essentials [2019-03-07,2019-06-01) $ 183.65 1495.9 kWh

Note that the first row is the current month: it’s only partway through, so I will end up with even more of a credit than that, with any luck.

These values are all within a dollar or two of the amounts I was actually billed, so that is nice.

But wait, there is more!

We can use this, with just a couple more functions, to make fairly good estimates of what our outputs and costs would be if we had more panels.

But that one will have to wait for another day.